Thursday, August 25, 2011

Recut trailer

No sound yet but I'm really liking this version a lot better. The idea was to make it more exciting and less story driven.

There's been a slight edit to the narration, it now goes as follows:

"In an unsuspecting place, abandoned...forgotten, a terror grows unwatched for decades. In the pursuit of progress our hopes mutated into...The Single Rider Double Feature!

Battle Aliens from outerspace! Destroy creatures from beyond! Dodge unearthly temptations! See no end to the terror of...The Single Rider Double Feature!"

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Some concept stuff

Trailer narration current draft:

An unsuspecting place...abandoned...forgotten...
a terror grows unwatched for decades

In the pursuit of progress the dream became a nightmare.
The cells of the artificial came to life, in a wondrous unheard of mutation.

Can you survive the...
Single Rider Double Feature?!

still working on the monster....